exhibit design
Hall of Ocean Life | American Museum of Natural History
The Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life is a New York City landmark and icon that explores the diversity of sea life and the interrelationships between human and aquatic systems. Spanning two levels, the exhibit features fourteen dioramas, six video walls, and eight ecosystem cases. This permanent installation was two years in the making and involved a team of more than fifty designers, artists, architects, editors and scientists.

Petra: Lost City of Stone | American Museum of Natural History
Two thousand years ago, Petra, in present-day Jordan, was a thriving metropolis of the ancient Nabataeans. Dramatically carved into sandstone cliffs, it was a marvel of architecture and technology. As a hub of culture and commerce, camel caravans passed through transporting luxury goods — spices, textiles and incense — on their way to Rome, Greece and Egypt. This exhibition of over 200 objects featured one of the most important collections of Nabataean artwork outside of Jordan.

“Have You Eaten Yet?”: the Chinese Restaurant in America | Museum of Chinese in the Americas
“Have You Eaten Yet?” traces the history of the Chinese restaurant as a site of cultural exchange. Through photographs, menus and artifacts, this bilingual exhibit — named for a traditional way of greeting friends — tells a story of immigration, globalization, society and politics. In a review of the exhibit, Gish Jen writes: “One might appreciate the beauty and intelligence of the exhibit and the absence of cliché. There is no red; there are no lanterns or fortune cookies. Here, in the heart of Chinatown, in a kitsch-filled room, one finds, happily, kitsch-free thought.”